Cape Cod Community College Association Bylaws

Amended April 2015

The name of the association shall be the Cape Cod Community College Association, hereinafter referred to as "the Association."

The objectives of the organization known as the chapter, the campus level body of the MCCC, are as follows:

  1. to support members as they strive to maintain and improve the quality of education at the college,
  2. to uphold high professional standards,
  3. to represent the interests of the chapter with the administration of the and
  4. to enforce the Day and DCE contracts and any other statewide agreements
  5. to serve as a liaison between the chapter members and the MCCC and the MTA,
  6. to conduct all chapter level business of the MCCC.

Section 1 Membership

  1. Full time and part time chapter members are those employed by the college who are engaged in work of a professional nature in the field of education, who are in the bargaining unit, and who are members of the MCCC.
  2. Adjunct chapter members are those employed by the college who are engaged in work of a professional nature in the field of education, who are in the bargaining unit, and who are members of the MCCC.
  3. Retired members are former active members who obtained a retired member status in the MCCC.

Section 2 Membership Year
The membership year of the Association shall coincide with that of the MCCC.

Section 3 Voting and Office Holding Privileges

  1. Unit members shall have one (1) vote in local and statewide MCCC/MTA/NEA elections.
  2. Any member may hold office unless specifically restricted by the MCCC or chapter policies.


Section 1
The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer, a Secretary, a Grievance Officer, MCCC Director, a DCE Coordinator, and a Political Action Officer.

Section 2 Powers and Duties of Officers

  1. The President shall:
    1. preside at meetings of the Executive Committee and membership,
    2. appoint the chair and members of the standing committees, other committees or teams, and representatives of the Association on committees formed under the collective bargaining agreement or by the administration of the college.
    3. be an ex officio member of all committees except the Nominations and Elections Committee,
    4. ordinarily represent the chapter as a delegate to the MCCC Delegate Assembly,
    5. perform any other functions usually attributed to this office.
  2. The Vice-President shall:
    1. preside at meetings of the Executive Committee and membership in the absence of the President,
    2. assume the duties of the President in case of the death, resignation, retirement, or recall of the President or in the event the President is unable to perform the duties of that office,
    3. ordinarily represent the chapter as a delegate to the MCCC Delegate Assembly.
  3. The Treasurer shall:
    1. hold the funds of the Association and disburse them in accordance with appropriate authorization,
    2. keep accurate account of receipts and disbursements and report to each meeting of the Executive Committee and membership,
    3. keep the President and Executive Committee informed of the financial condition of the Association,
    4. prepare and file an annual financial statement as directed by the Treasurer of the MCCC,
    5. prepare and file statements with supporting documentation with the Treasurer of the MCCC to obtain reimbursement for office expenses in accordance with MCCC policy,
    6. maintain a roll of the members. Changes in membership shall be reported to the Treasurer of the MCCC.
  4. The Secretary shall:
    1. keep minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee and the membership,
    2. maintain official records and assist the President of the Association’s communications,
    3. ordinarily represent the chapter as a delegate to the MCCC Delegate Assembly.
  5. The Grievance Officer shall:
    1. assist and counsel unit members in the grievance process,
    2. represent unit members in the grievance process,
    3. keep records of all current local grievances,
    4. communicate regularly with the MCCC Grievance Officer regarding local grievances.
  6. The Director shall:
    1. attend scheduled meetings of the MCCC Board of Directors,
    2. maintain close communications with the President of the Association,
    3. report regularly to the Executive Committee and the membership,
    4. ordinarily represent the chapter as a delegate to the MCCC Delegate Assembly.
  7. The DCE Coordinator shall:
    1. assist and counsel unit members in the DCE contract grievance process,
    2. represent the Association at MCCC-DCE grievance hearings and mediations when required,
    3. represent DCE unit members in the grievance process,
    4. keep records of all local DCE grievances,
    5. communicate regularly with the MCCC-DCE Grievance Officer regarding local DCE issues,
    6. act as a liaison between DCE members and the Association Executive Board.
  8. The Political Action Coordinator shall:
    1. devise and coordinate political action that protects or enhances the contractual rights of the Association members,
    2. devise and maintain rapid communication systems among unit members and to/from pertinent state political leadership,
    3. maintain communication on educational issues with local leadership of major political parties,
    4. coordinate political action campaigns with MCCC/MTA leadership,
    5. propose political strategy to the CCCCA Executive Board for approval.

Section 3 Terms of Office and Succession

Beginning with the election of 1999 and subsequently, the terms of the Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and DCE Coordinator shall be two years, terms to commence on July 1. Beginning with the election of 2000 and subsequently, the terms of the President and Grievance Officer shall be two years, terms to commence on July 1. Beginning with the elections of 2009, the term of the Director shall be one year, term to commence on June 1.  

Section 4 Vacancy

  1. If an officer is unable to serve for any reason for a period of time longer than six months, that office may be declared vacant by recommendation of the Executive Committee and by majority vote of members present and voting at a membership meeting.
  2. In the case of a declared vacancy or of the resignation of the President, the Vice-President shall automatically serve the remainder of the President’s term of office.
  3. If the Vice President replaces the President as a result of a vacancy or resignation, the office of Vice President shall not be filled if the remaining term of office until the next election is less than six months. If, however, the remaining term of office until the next election is six months or more, notice shall be given for an election to fill the Vice President position.

Section 5 Resignation

  1. An officer may submit a resignation – normally in writing – to the President (or in the case of the President’s resignation, to the Secretary). The Executive Committee shall act on a motion to accept the resignation at its next regular meeting or at a special meeting.
  2. The duties of a position must not ordinarily be abandoned until a resignation has been accepted or at least until there has been reasonable opportunity for it to have been accepted.

Section 6 Recall

Any officer may be removed from office in the following manner:

  1. A petition bearing the signatures of twenty percent of the active members must be presented to the Executive Committee at a meeting or through one of the officers.
  2. The petition must include the signatures of the petitioners, the name and office of the officer in question, and the reasons for the recall request. It should be accompanied by supporting documentation.
  3. The Executive Committee shall meet within ten working days of receipt of the petition to plan for a recall vote. The recall vote must be conducted within twenty days.


Section 1 Composition

The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers, the immediate past President and six members elected at large. The Committee shall be the executive authority of the Association.

Section 2 Powers and Duties

  1. Be responsible for the management of the Association and carrying out policies of the membership.
  2. Report its transactions to the membership and suggest policies for consideration of them.
  3. Develop an annual budget for the Association.
  4. Establish committees and approve committee members and chairs appointed by the president.
  5. A member at large of the Executive Committee may be removed from the Committee by a two-thirds vote of the membership of the Executive Committee for non-feasance. Non-feasance shall be defined as failing to perform the duties of office as defined in the Bylaws. Any member accused of non-feasance shall be notified, in writing, of the underlying facts constituting the accusation of non-feasance. The member so notified may request a hearing to be held at the next regularly scheduled Executive Committee meeting, or may submit resignation prior to the meeting. A member may request the hearing to be held in executive session, closed to the public. If the Executive Committee votes to remove a member, the president shall recommend a replacement to fill the unexpired term, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
  6. Be responsible for public relations.
  7. According to procedures adopted by the membership, the Executive Committee may suspend from membership or expel any member found in violation of the Code of Ethics of the Educational Profession.
  8. Must attend all meetings of the CCCCA unless excused by the Executive Committee.

Section 3. Terms of Office and Succession

The usual term of office of members at large shall be two years. Members shall take office on July 1.


Section 1 Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall meet at least monthly during the school year on a schedule to be determined by the members of the committee.

Section 2 General Membership Meetings

There shall be at least one general membership meeting each semester, on dates determined by the Executive Committee which shall also prepare a tentative agenda and circulate it to the membership so that they have adequate time to discuss it before the meeting. The business of the fall general meeting shall include a plan of actions or objectives for the year and a review of budget. The business of the spring general meeting shall include the approval of the budget for the following year, a call for candidates for Executive Committee and officers, and a vote on any proposed Bylaw changes.

Section 3 Special Meetings

Special meetings of the general membership may be held at the call of the President or upon written request to the Executive Board from five percent (5%) of the membership. Business to come before the special meetings shall be stated in the call, and meetings shall be confined to those items.

Section 4 Quorums

  1. For Executive Committee and committee meetings, a majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum.
  2. For general membership meetings, twenty members shall constitute a quorum.


Section 1 Standing Committees

  1. Bylaws and Rules Committee
    1. The purpose of this committee is to receive proposed amendments to the bylaws for review and to make recommendations concerning the bylaws to the Executive Committee and the membership.
    2. This committee shall consist of three (3) members appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
    3. The term of office shall be for one (1) year and shall begin September 30th.
  2. Nominations and Elections Committee
    1. The purpose of this committee is to provide equal access to nomination procedures to all members of the Association and to assure each candidate for office equal treatment in the election process
    2. This committee shall consist of at least three (3) members appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
    3. This committee shall have the authority and responsibility to
      1. Place in nomination candidates for office who have submitted formal application,
      2. Publish the names of those candidates for elective office no later than two weeks prior to the election,
      3. Prepare ballots, supervise the conduct of the elections, and certify the results,
      4. Safeguard the ballots for a period of one (1) year and allow inspection of the ballots by any active member of the chapter.
    4. The term of office shall be for one (1) year and shall begin September 30th.

Section 2 Ad hoc committees

Ad hoc committees may be established by the President and/or the Executive Committee as deemed necessary. The President shall appoint, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, the chair and members of an ad hoc committee.

Section 3 Reports

The chair of each committee shall report to the Executive Committee and/or the membership on the work of the committee or on items requiring action. Each committee shall choose a secretary who shall record the activities of the committee and assist the chair with communications as necessary.


Section 1

Roberts Rules of Order Revised shall govern meetings of the Association.

Section 2

The President shall appoint a Parliamentarian, who shall attend all general membership meetings of the Association.

Section 3 Elections

A. Elections shall be held annually during the second week of April, with officers and members-at-large of the Executive Board taking office as prescribed in Article IV, Section 3 and Article V, Section 3.

B. Other elective positions are also filled at this time.

C. The Executive Committee of the Association shall declare elected a nominee who runs unopposed.

Section 4 Officer Stipends

Officer Stipends shall be established in the Annual Budget.

Section 5

All items not covered by the CCCCA Bylaws are subject to MCCC Bylaws and Policies.


Section 1

These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote (2/3) of the members present and voting at any regular meeting of the Association.

Section 2

The proposed amendment(s) shall be made available to members at least three (3) calendar weeks in advance of the meeting at which the voting will take place.

Section 3

Amendments may be proposed by any individual or group of the Association.